
crafty mama i am not.

For me it all comes down to time. However I do my best. I wish I could be more of a mom like my friend Ruby at MyCakies. Her Halloween and her everyday life with her girls looks like a lot of fun and she puts so much time and effort into every moment being a memory.

I do my best with what I have and try to make Saturday's "family fun" day. I am sure many of you WAHM's or WOTHM's (Work Outside the Home Mom)can relate to my struggle.

This Halloween I did my best to be festive and make treats for my family. Ruby still wanted to wear her costume, but Elkë (having worn it two times already this past week) was over hers. That is fine. She ended up just running around in tights and a tee like she was Jennifer Biels in Flashdance. She is a maniac. It was perfect.

Hopefully I created nice memories for them, even on a time crunch. If that means cupcakes with boxed mix and frosting from a container, so be it.

Some cupcakes with the help of a certain doughboy

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